
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 5 - Brown Gravy

Brown gravy is one of those things I have always had in my arsenal. I rarely (if ever) have used those pouches at the store. But when I asked people what recipes they would love to have gluten free brown gravy kept coming up. I was surprised, but my mom spoiled me with cooked from scratch meals most of my life. She and I have very different food tastes but most of what I know I learned and adapted from her. So here's a few gravy recipes for all of you!

Easy Brown Gravy

You'll need:
2c Beef or Chicken stock (you can also use drippings from a roast, turkey, chicken, this is a versatile recipe)
1 Tbsp Cornstarch
1/4c Cold water

Bring your stock or drippings to a boil

Mix your cornstarch and cold water then add to your stock.

Reduce heat to low and stir until thickened.

That's it! Easy peasy!

Slightly More Labor Intensive Brown Gravy

You'll need:
2 Tbsp Butter
1Tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp Thyme
2 c Broth, stock, or drippings

Melt your butter in the bottom of the sauce pan over low heat until slightly browned. Then add cornstarch and stir until it forms a paste.

Bring the heat up to medium and slowly pour in your broth whisking vigorously until everything is incorporated. Add in your thyme. then remove from heat and let thicken.

That's it! Now you can make brown gravy.

Maybe I'll figure out a replacement for those packets someday.....

Until then, Happy eating!

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