
Gluten Free Flour Guide

High in flavor and texture, great for mixing with other gluten free flours.
High in protein, fiber, and iron. Heavier flour that provides structure and binding. Slight peppery flavor.
ArrowrootUsed as a thinkener
BuckwheatFull of B-vitamins, magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants. Very strong flavor that is a bit bitter. Best used in pancakes or breads with lots of neutral flavored flours.
ChestnutHigh in flavor and texture, great for mixing with other gluten free flours.
Chia (Salba)
Used mostly to add nutritional value. Neutral flavor.
Corn FlourStrong sweet flavor. Good for breads, waffles, and tortillas.
Corn MealStrong sweet flavor and course texture.
Corn StarchUsed as a thikener
Fava BeanGood source of protein and fiber. Strong flavor. Bean flours complement sorghum flour.
FilbertHigh in flavor and texture, great for mixing with other gluten free flours.
FlaxIncreases nutritional value. Can use a mixture of flax and water as an egg substitute due to it's high soluble fiber content. Bold flavor. Adds color.
Garbanzo BeanGood source of protein and fiber. Strong flavor. Bean flours complement sorghum flour.
HazelnutHigh in flavor and texture, great for mixing with other gluten free flours.
Powdery yellow flour. Sweet flavor good for flatbreads and muffins.
Montina (Indian Rice Grass)High in fiber and protein.
PecanHigh in flavor and texture, great for mixing with other gluten free flours.
Potato FlourNeutral flavor that blends well with stronger flavored flours.
Potato StarchLighter consistancy. Bland flavor. Helps retain moisture.
QuinoaProvides protein, folate, copper, and iron. Mild nutty flavor. Good for cookies, cakes, and breads.
RiceBrown, white, and sweet flours. Best used in combination with other flours. Neutral flavor. Sweet rice is stickier and good for pastry dough.
Sorghum (Milo)
Sweet nutty flavor. Better used with other neutral flours.Can have a bitter after taste.
SoybeanGood source of protein and fiber. Strong flavor. Bean flours complement sorghum flour.
TeffHazelnut flavor. High in nutrients. Gels for a great thickener.
TapiocaSweet flavor. Makes things chewier in texture.
WalnutHigh in flavor and texture, great for mixing with other gluten free flours.

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